Back to School: How to hold paint-brushes

If you learned by now how to hold drawing materials, then you probably won't have any problems holding paint-brushes. 

You can hold them like you hold pencils. If you paint details, you hold the brush closer to the tip:

paintbrush 1 creatissimo lab.jpg

If not, then you hold them loosely, away from the tip:

paintbrush 2 creatissimo lab.jpg

However, if you use wider brushes and paint bigger areas, you can hold your brush like this:

paintbrush 4 creatissimo lab.jpg

Or you can hold them the same - like smaller brushes:

paintbrush 3 creatissimo lab.jpg

Easy, isn't it?

Hmm, and now that our paint-brush has got dirty... - what's next? Well, you will have to wait until next time or you can come to Koper on Saturday (24. Sept.) and watch me paint at the event Sladka Istra (= Sweet Istria)...