
Everyone is someone. Everyone lives their own story; everyone walks through life as a student in his own school. What do you think about others? Colleagues, unknown people, co-workers, good friends, relatives, faces on tv? Everyone is someone.

Giving thanks, giving gifts No. 6: everyone.

I see people around me as my teachers. They can always teach me something for my life, no matter if they are kids with whom I work with, their parents, people I know or not. Especially kids teach me a lot about values, dreams, big goals, patience, curiosity, openness, trust; and more and more. In the world of adults there's a lot covered by veil of fear from vulnerability. We protect ourselves from the others so that we lock ourselves in our own cage and limit ourselves to discover new world.  

Therefore my wish for you today is, that the holiday season brings back to you your trust into the others, and the understanding that we can learn new from everyone, even our enemies.


PS: you can freely share my gifts (photos in my December posts) further. If you can’t save them from this website, you can save/share them via my FB page: CreatissimoLab FB page. I’m looking forward to celebrate this time with you!