Giving thanks, giving gifts 2014

Yes, it is back this year as well - the time in December that is especially precious to me. Time, dedicated to saying thanks and giving gifts. Time, when I look back into the year 2014, from which I've got new knowledge, new discoveries, new questions and answers. I am thankful for these gifts, which can not compete with all the St.Nikolas's-Santa Clause's-Father Cold's-New Year's gorgeous gifts, which are (compared with them) just a dot on a letter i. These gifts are gifts for ever, they will stay with me forever, from the day I've received them.

As always I invite you to join in and add your thoughts, comments, opinions and ideas, so that we all gain from this time as much as we can. And you’re welcome to invite others too!

This year my ‘Giving thanks, giving gifts’ is going to be a bit different from the previous years (2013, 2011, 2010, 2009), but I hope, that it is still going to be interesting and inspiring to you… My posts are going to be dedicated to the wise words that some known and less known people have said, and which helped me when I was down. Yes, there are days, when we doubt, worry, feel sad, feel pain or feel desperate… - and then, a word can help, or a hug, smile, music… What usually helps me are the words and actions that cross my path at the right time, at the right place. I’ll share some of these words with you this year.

#1: Everything is connected:

we all want similar things, we all need somebody or something that we can survive, everything is connected to everything else. Isn’t it great that someone grows food for me while I am busy with other things? Isn’t it great that I can talk to someone when I need advice? Garbage men, workers who produced my car, a dentist, neighbor’s cat, flowers and bees from which we get sweet honey... The list is endless. Everyone that we meet, has to be there because of us, everything that we go through, has to be as it is, so that the string of connection doesn’t break. It is not always to accept this, but I’m learning to see. I wish the same to you, because I believe it is easier to live our lives when we understand this, isn’t it so? What do you think?

And yes, we all want to be happy, every year, every December, no matter where we live. Isn’t it true? When you will be thinking about this, let me inspire you with this gorgeous simple video, which will remind you that we are all one…        

(video by: Matt Harding)


PS: you can freely share my gifts (photos in my December posts) further. If you can’t save them from this website, you can save/share them via my FB page: CreatissimoLab FB page. Let the happy December & ‘the time for giving thanks, giving gifts’ begin! I’m looking forward to celebrate this time with you!