Winter cocooning

'Beauty is where you find it', they say and that's how a monthly photo-project by Nic is called as well. I really do believe that we can find beauty everywhere if we open wide our eyes and hearts.

The word 'cocooning' has a special meaning in the world where I live. Working with kids I'm daily faced with all kinds of forms of cocoons. Little tents in the corners, secret spaces under the blankets, everywhere-you-go soft toys snuggles... I love how creative the kids are in 'nesting', be it a tree or in a tiniest room in the house. And have you noticed how transformed the kids are after coming back from their sacred space?!
Winter is a perfect time for practicing cocooning. Making yourself warm in a cozy place (no matter how old you are) is a precious gift to yourself. So, although not soft and snuggly, I find even the firewood in front of the house a great reminder and a symbol of taking the time for myself. What I'm trying to say - no matter what's your way of cocooning, take your time for it and give it a try! Enjoy!


PS: find all the #BIWYFI2015 photo/word inspirations for the January word: 'Cocooning' here.