Posts filed under education


Our school was in the newspapers yesterday. We're getting famous! ;)

Now that the school-year is coming to the end, I'm looking back to our days with kids and all the good and bad times that we've had. 

The best thing about school and working with kids is: big, warm hugs, laughter, words like 'are you ok?' and the first question I get when I come to school 'what are we going to do today?' - it's not the knowledge and not the good grades; it's the warmth in our hearts that I cherish the most in this school.

What do you cherish the most at your work place?

Have a wonderful time during the summer holidays (if you have them)! I'll be creative and surrounded with creative kids, so I believe we will have fun! Are you joining us, too?


A special gift for a special person on a special day.

With the kids in school we created libellula(s) (= Spanish word) for our Moms for Mother's Day.

Children have learned about dragonflies at Spanish lessons, so I thought it'd be a good idea to create something special for Moms and practice Spanish at the same time.

That's why and how libellula(s) were born. Aren't they lovely? 

I hope your Mother's Day was special too. 

Xmas Cards from School

We are busy bees with children in Montessori school. Getting ready for Xmas Bazaar. All Xmas cards are almost ready and here is what we decided to do this year - we are going 'eco' this year:

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First we made our own stamps (many different kinds of Xmas trees grew up from our scissors).

Then we saved one old book from the trash and painted its pages with white paint.

We then stamped Xmas trees onto the 'recycled' paper the way we wanted. Lots of artistic freedom here we've had.

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Of course we had to add some tinsels ;) and if the cards were still a bit 'boring' we added some stitches to bring them to life.

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And if something went wrong, we had a solution for everything (you see, we are trying to take care of our environment, so we don't want to waste too many things). Sometimes we added some cloth, and sometimes we fixed imperfect stamping with adding some stripes and patterns over the tree. Smart kids we have here, eh? ;)

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We are busy bees, but also very excited. With the money from the Xmas Bazaar, we will buy new learning materials for school, so we are doing our best to create beautiful, unique and special gifts for the visitors. We are sharing our idea to inspire you, but please, don't copy this - we know you can be creative your own way, too. Enjoy the creative process and stay warm!