Cultural hour

In Slovenia we celebrate Cultural Day tomorrow. So that's a good excuse to be 'cultural' and take a cultural hour for yourself and your creating. What first comes on my mind (because we remember our famous poet Prešeren on this day) are books (with their special scents), then bookmarks, then letters and after that all the other (official) 'cultural' things.

So, why not creating something in an hour? How about creating some simple and unique bookmarks?

You can write an initial letter of the owner of a bookmark on the top and decorate it. And on the rest of the bookmark, you can write (your) thought, quote, poem, part of the book that you like the most and you want to have it always near you.

That's how our experiments turned out in red ink (for Irene, Zara and Nicolas)...
How about yours?

Winter cocooning

'Beauty is where you find it', they say and that's how a monthly photo-project by Nic is called as well. I really do believe that we can find beauty everywhere if we open wide our eyes and hearts.

The word 'cocooning' has a special meaning in the world where I live. Working with kids I'm daily faced with all kinds of forms of cocoons. Little tents in the corners, secret spaces under the blankets, everywhere-you-go soft toys snuggles... I love how creative the kids are in 'nesting', be it a tree or in a tiniest room in the house. And have you noticed how transformed the kids are after coming back from their sacred space?!
Winter is a perfect time for practicing cocooning. Making yourself warm in a cozy place (no matter how old you are) is a precious gift to yourself. So, although not soft and snuggly, I find even the firewood in front of the house a great reminder and a symbol of taking the time for myself. What I'm trying to say - no matter what's your way of cocooning, take your time for it and give it a try! Enjoy!


PS: find all the #BIWYFI2015 photo/word inspirations for the January word: 'Cocooning' here.    


If I had chosen a word for this year, it would have been: simplify.

That's a whisper I hear from Nature when I try maneuvering through our chaotic life. I think, the more you learn and the more you know, the more you come to the situation when you have to choose. Choose how you want to live, what to say, what to do and how you want to do it.

It is absurd how many things we have to choose from, but it is so hard to find 'the right one' for us. It is absurd, how many theories and news we hear daily, but there's hardly one to believe or trust. It's hard to tell what illusion is and what not. 

So, it is time to simplify. And, yes, it is that simple!

In the movie 'Power of One' it was said: 'You'll find all the answers in nature'. So, go away from daily dramas served by the media, and seek the answers to your questions in the nature. Her answers are short, clear and simple. Yes, it is that simple!

Wishing you simplified days!

A gift of today

Almost without words I'm saying thanks to this special day that it exists. It knows why.

And I begin this year with a thought to which I will dedicate more time this year (but more about that some other time):

'Look deep into nature and then you will understand everything better.' (- Albert Einstein)


It is time to leave the old behind and open the door to new.

The last thought of the Giving thanks, giving gifts: changes.

Let yourself live the way you want and let the things that burden you, stay behind, in the 'last' year. It is time for changes!

Wishing you all the best!